Monday, August 04, 2008

I am 8 bit

These are most of my pieces for the I am 8 bit show. I'm still finishing up Guile, Ken and Ryu. I hope to see all you bloggers there on the 14th!


Dee said...

DUDE! These rock! (on rock! hahahaa...ok lame) Awesome I will see you on the 14th then~

Jorge R. Gutierrez said...

Wow! You totally hadokened it.

Oliver Akuin said...

hey man! these are awesome!!! can't wait to see ken, i used him the most

chia said...

oh man, I want to build a house made entirely of these bricks!

Susy said...

Awesome work!! you're going to rock at the gallery!

Fulanita said...

WOAH ERIC! You're like some sort of factory churning out all these great pieces! Congrats.

SteveLambe said...

Those are truly badass.

Rankinstein said...

WOW! Now I'll think twice about throwing bricks through windows.

Unless I shout HADOKEN! first.


Those are awsome!

Eric Gonzalez said...

Thanks for all the nice comments everyone! It really means a lot to me.

Oscar Rosales said...

Cool blog!

Chogrin said...